Our sales staff is often asked questions such as, “will this table match the color of my floors?” and, “what nightstand goes with this bed?” Most homes are already filled with multiple wood elements: flooring, ceiling beams, kitchen cabinets, and other furniture. When selecting furniture to either purchase together or add to a room with existing furniture and wooden features, here are a few thoughts to keep in mind.
1. Wood species can be mixed.

We offer four primary woods - cherry, maple, walnut and white oak. When you buy wood furniture at different times, it is nearly impossible to match shades exactly. Instead, consider intentionally creating contrast by pairing pieces lighter or darker in hue. If you have light floors like maple, try a dining table that is a few shades darker, like walnut. Similarly, you can mix woods between furniture, like cherry chairs with a light maple table, to bring dimension and visual interest to a space. This creates balance and depth by layering tones and wood grain.
If you decide to stick with one primary wood, you can always break up tones that are similar in shade and hue by adding accessories and other decorative elements such as rugs, throws and pillows.
2. Seamlessly mix furniture styles.
While Chilton Furniture assembles collections of like-designed pieces, nothing is sold as a set. We want our customers to have the freedom to mix and match as they please and purchase based on their personal tastes. As an added benefit, single piece purchasing allows the customer to shop within a budget. We have many beloved customers who have built their collections over the years, purchasing one piece at a time.
You can easily blend traditional styles with more contemporary looks when both possess elements based on principles of simplicity. Most of our furniture has Shaker or Scandinavian design influences with clean lines. That simplicity allows our customers to pull furniture from multiple collections or seamlessly blend with existing furniture, curated over the years, and still create a cohesive appearance.
Most of us find ourselves repeatedly drawn to similar shapes, styles, or tones. Pieces that are very different but share some commonality (rounded legs, crisp square edges, etc.) develop a line of continuity and can be a subtle, yet powerful way to tie a room together.
Our homes reflect our personality. Ultimately, there are no rules. Different styles and woods are appealing for different reasons, so there is no need to limit yourself to one specific style of furniture. Below are some of our favorite combinations.
(L-R, Top-Bottom: 1. Photographed by Heidi Kirn Photography 2. Photographed by Jeff Roberts Imaging 3. Designed by Fiore Interiors, Photographed by James R. Salomon 4 & 5. Designed by Craft Modern, Designed by Nero Made, Photographed by Chris Fortin 6. Designed by Fiore Interiors, Photographed by Sean Litchfield 7. Designed and Photographed by OID Studio 8. Designed by Abigail Shea Interiors, Photographed by Erin Little Photography 9. Designed and Photographed by mStarr Design Studio 10. Designed by Craft Modern, Designed by Nero Made, Photographed by Chris Fortin 11. Photographed by Heidi Kirn Photography)

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